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Donated More Than Ten Billion Yuan to Build Relocation Housing in Hardest-hit Area


 Huangwei, President of Shenzhen New World Group andExecutive Vice Chairman of Hong Kong Commercial Daily entrust Shenzhen NewWorld Group to donate 10 billion yuan to build relocation housing inearthquake-stricken area ——Ngawa Tibetan and Qiang Autonomous Prefecture. NewWorld Group was busily discussing specific proposals of taking part in the reconstructionof earthquake-hit area.

When the earthquake hit, Huangwei was out of the country,but he donated 550,000yuan on the very day. Later, after Huangwei learned thatthe condition of the disaster area was getting worse and worse, he made anotherdonation which was relief supplies that worth more than 1.6 billion yuan. Itwas learned from officials of New World Group that when Huangwei saw on TV alittle girl encouraged her buddies while she herself is suffering from pain,and a teacher who took risk of his life to come back to the teaching buildingto rescue the students…he was moved to tears for many times. And he realizedthat the disaster was worse than he though, so he made a phone call to thecompany right away and instructed relevant people to arrange another donationof relief supplies.  At the moment,Shenzhen Press Group, together with Civilization Administration Office andCaring Office of Shenzhen City held the symposium of Real Estate industry whichwas named “Special Zone and Disaster Area are heart linked to heart”, andlaunch the program of “Construction of relocation housing in Wenchuanearthquake-stricken area ——Ngawa Tibetan and Qiang Autonomous Prefecture”,Huangwei entrusted the GM of New World Group -Zheng Dawei-who attended thesymposium , to first made a donation of 10 billion yuan.