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Gateway City Invites H.P. Lang to Lecture How to Keep Value & The Strong Appreciation Momentum of Properties Adjacent to Checkpoints


 On the afternoon of August 10th, professorof Chinese University of Hong Kong, well-known Economist, Hsien Ping Lang,visited Gateway City Sales Center in Shenzhen, when talking to some propertyowners from Shenzhen, he said real estate still remains the first choice forfinancial management and investment in the present economic circumstances,properties adjacent to metro stations, customs/checkpoints, school and citycenter are invariably the first choice for investors, which can also hedgeagainst the deflation. 


There are pessimistic viewpoints againstthe real estate industry spreading out in the market though, due to lack ofinvestment channels, Lang believes that Chinese rational investors will electto invest in real estate instead of the stock market, however, the overseasinvestors act in just the opposite, the reason is that among the basicinvesting channels, the stock market has been influenced by the Chinese economyand left no space for elevation, the gold market’s margin of appreciation isdiminished with the US dollar’s continuing to appreciate, only the real estatecan become the first choice for investment. 

As a typical real estate project near tocity center and metro station, Lang believes the Gateway City, located in thecenter of Luohu’s living center, can hedge against the deflation, owing to itsunrivalled rare resources. 

The project is located in the Liantang areaof Luohu District, deemed as a superior property near to Hong Kong/ShenzhenCheckpoint, where you can reach out to the main business areas of Diwang,Guomao and Dongmen in 10 minutes. It is also surrounded by a number ofprestigious 12 years compulsory schools, and possesses rich eco resources with3 mountains, 2 lakes and 4 parks. 

Furthermore, the project is adjacent toboth checkpoints and metro stations at the same time -- the LiantangCheckpoint’s (Hong Kong Heung Yeun Wai Checkpoint) construction will becompleted in 2018 with a walking bridge connecting to the Gateway City; theproject is also neighboring to Metro Line 8 which will be launched soon.Luohu’s large scale district renovation will be boosted with 250billions Yuan governmentinvestment, and Gateway City is the very representative project of thisDistrict Renovation, possessing unique natural resources and advantages ofbeing close to checkpoints and metro stations. 

Above all, Lang believes Gateway City hasgreat potential to appreciate, and since its opening for sales, it succeeds toattract a lot of investors. It was double awarded with the Largest SoldProperty and Highest Sales Revenue. Currently, New World Gateway City’s 2 roomsto 5 rooms (62-153m²) apartments still available for sales.

The developer told us that Shenzhen NewWorld Group’s another two new projects, New World Center Phase Two in FutianCBD and Songgang City Renovation Project will be launched next year.