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Mid-autumn & National Day Promotion ----- New World Department Stores’ Mid-autumn & National Day celebrating activity


 For greeting the arrival of Mid-autumn and National Day, New World DepartmentStores held a big scale sales promotion activity. Department stores’ square hasbeen well decorated as early as a month ago and national flag is used to add ahappy atmosphere of national day. In order to improve sale performance of thedepartment stores, and to carry out discount strategy made by the operating andplanning department, slogans “convenient consumption” “economical consumption”“best sellers consumption” and “improve consumption” were used to close the gapto communicate with new and old customers, thus, to improve the service qualityof the department stores.

This activity is dominated by discounts, and supplemented by Lucky Draws and freegifts. More than a hundred well-known brands took part in this activity; thisfully reflects New World Department Stores’ rich channels in its resources of suppliers.Along with its integration advantages in advertisements, New World DepartmentStores’ leading and benchmarking role in the industry of community departmentstores was reflected.

1. Mid-autumnday reunion

Septembe r27, mid-autumn festival is one of the traditional festivals in China. By takingadvantage of the arrival of mid-autumn festival, the department stores carriedout a series of big scale promotion activities to stimulate consumer group,attract target consumer group and potential consumer group, and maximize sales.

First of all, early sales of autumn garments – everyone loves beauty, and it is veryconsiderate to buy new clothes for yourself or families. Secondly, consumingamount that reaches the specified amount can receive a nice gift and freeshipping service. Lastly, and also the most distinctive activity - Mid-autumnday moon-cake gambling. Moon-cake gambling is a traditional mid-autumn festivalfolk activity, a unique culture of moon cake. According to legend, moon-cakegambling is invented by Zheng Chenggong’s inferior officerHongxu. When Zheng Chenggong stationed troops, he ordered Hongxu to invent thisgame to ease solders’ homesickness and to boost morale. The game handed downfrom generation to generation and become the most characteristic folk customsin Xiamen now. Prizes for moon-cake gambling includes “Zhuang Yuan”(throw six 6),“Tan Hua”(throw five 6), “Bang Yan”(throw four 6), “Jin Shi”(throw three 6), “XiuCai”(throw two 6). Through throwing the dice, customers who got the prizes willget gifts accordingly. The prizes are rich, and would increase customers desireto buy indirectly. The onsite stuffs reported that customers show greatinterest in moon-cake gambling. 

2.  National day promotions

National Day, October 1st, is the most important holiday of the year. Customervolume and popularity are maximized through the seven-day holiday. Part of themid-autumn day activities are continued, besides, the biggest selling point ofthe National day activity is the Lucky Draw of bullion. The activity wasstarted with the Lucky Draw for which the grand prize was bullion and the Firstprize was iPad mini. The rest of the prizes were very practical, including Starkingwatch, Swiss Army Knife pull box, portable cart, U shaped neck pillow and 10yuan vouchers.

The golden October is a romantic season of weddings as well. Wedding products such as goldjewelry, cosmetics, watches, underwear, beds and beddings were the mainpromoted romantic products that meet customers’ needs.

Further more,customers join New World Department Stores’ wechat family (xinshijiebh) – scan thetwo dimensional code and follow us on wechat, will receive a nice gif. Also,during activity time, sending pictures of family reunions to New WorldDepartment Stores’ wechat, will have the chance to won the “Best looking” prizeand get a nice gift.

Through mid-autumn festival activities and national day activities, New WorldDepartment Stores further promoted its whole image and increased its reputationat the same time. This activity gave real benefits to the customers; it was a “gluttonousfeast” of shopping for everyone.